DRDP Assessment Steps & Timeline

On this page you will find a chart of the general timelines for submitting DRDP data to the SELPA and to DRAccessData.org, as well a postcard outlining DRDP submission dates.

Interactive tutorial: DRDP Timeline for Special Education

General Timelines for Special Education DRDP Data Collection & Reporting

Eligibility for the DRDP: Any infant/toddler or child enrolled in preschool, TK, or K must have a signed IFSP/IEP and receive special education services by:

  • November 1 for the fall assessment
  • April 1 for the spring assessment

Prior to the cutoff date, the assessment should be initiated within the first 60 days of services.

If the child turns 6 at any point during the school year (July 1 through June 30), the DRDP is not required in either the fall or spring assessment periods.

Assessment Period Assessors Observe &
Collect Documentation
Assessors Rate & Submit DRDP Data SELPAs Submit DRDP Data
to DRAccessData.org
Fall August - December September - December
(consult your administrator for local due date)
By Feb. 1
Spring January - May February - June
(consult your administrator for local due date)
By July 1

The results of the DRDP assessment help us better understand children’s learning and development, plan instruction, and share information with families. In order to produce confident results, the DRDP must be used with a number of essential steps in place.

DRDP Timeline for Early Intervention and Special Education

DRDP Timeline for Early Intervention and Preschool Special EducationDownload PDF of Timeline postcard

Get Started:

  • Identify eligible children to assess.
    • Any infant or toddler receiving services from an LEA with a signed IFSP andreceiving special education services must be assessed.
    • Any child enrolled in preschool, TK, or K who is 3, 4, or 5-years old, has asigned IEP, and is receiving special education services must be assessed.
    • If the child turns 6 at any point during the school year (July 1 through June 30),the DRDP is not required in either the fall or spring assessment periods.
    • Children must begin special education services before November 1 for thefall assessment and before April 1 for the spring assessment.
  • Check with your administrator about when and where to submit your Rating Records.

Complete the DRDP for Each Eligible Child:

  • The assessment should be initiated within the first 60 calendar days of services.
  • Observe & document children’s skills on the DRDP measures throughout the fall and spring.
  • In the six-week period before your SELPA’s fall and spring deadlines, focus on themeasures for which you do not have sufficient observations and documentation.Observations should be current with a child’s skills.
  • Complete an Information Page/Rating Record for each eligible child.

Produce Reports of Results:

  • Using SEIS or SIRAS? Once you input your DRDP data in the IFSP/IEP your DRDP results will automaticallytransfer nightly to DRAccessReports.org if you enteryour Reports account email while entering records.
  • Produce DRDP reports for childrenat any time to plan instruction;inform goals, outcomes,and learning targets;share with families;and track progress.